PHOTO CREDIT: National Institute of Allergy and infectious Diseases
By Journalism 280 students
The Student Health Services and the Division of Student Development hosted the annual World AIDS Day event on Nov. 30 at the atrium of York College.
The World AIDS Day is a CUNY wide event that is open not only to York students, but to the general public. The school offered free HIV testing to make people aware of their status.
For this year’s event, associate professor of Health and Physical Education department, David Ajuluchukwu answered questions from students. Refreshments such as pizza and sandwiches were served to participants.
According to The Centers for Disease Control, there are currently 36.7 million people with HIV around the world.
Assistant Dean of Student Development Randolph Punter said it affects the student body a lot.
“You want people to understand that it is important to know how it works and people can avoid getting the virus, and is important to pass information along to others,” said Punter.
Biology major Brianna Fullington shared her beliefs on the deadly impact of the disease.
“This generation, everybody is having sex pretty much,” Fullington said, “It is very important to get checked because more people do it unprotected.”
Jerry Chung, 19, majoring in Nursing, knows first-hand what it’s like for people who suffer from AIDS.
“A lot of my friends are going through the AIDS process, being there for them means a lot. I feel their pain,” said Chung. “There’s nothing wrong with getting more help, and I want them to be healthy.”
Chung said he invited several friends who were diagnosed with AIDS to the event.