Pandora’s Box had a chance to talk to the three leading men of Horrible Bosses 2, in theaters now. The cast had much to say about the making of the film and their thoughts of what fans should expect.
If the comedy button ain’t broke…The original Horrible Bosses was loved by fans and critics alike for its ensemble cast, it’s wacky plot and the genuinely cool action set pieces. It’s sequel seems to offer everything the first did and more. “I’m hopeful that they’re really going to like it. I expect people to be skeptical and I hope that they’re pleasantly surprised!” said Charlie Day. “It’s every bit as funny. The pace and the action and the way it looks, the plot twists and all of that stuff, it’s a lot more than it needs to be” joked Bateman.
New Director, same old antics. Seth Gordon, director of the first film unfortunately didn’t get to return to the second film due to his work on the ABC show The Goldbergs according to the Hollywood Reporter. In comes Sean Anders, director of a few recent comedies including Hot Tub Time Machine and the more recent We’re the Millers, which also starred both Jason Sudeikis and Jennifer Aniston. Anders seemed to bring a certain aspect of style and cinematic flair to the sequel. The three actors really enjoyed working him. “[Anders] and his writing partner John Morris are like two of the best comedy writers in Hollywood I think,” said Sudeikis. “They did a good job of rewriting We’re the Millers. It was like having two more writers on set with us.” He praised his skills a visual director. “There’s a whole chunk in the middle [of the movie] that almost looks like a gosh darn Steven Spielberg film.”
“He walks a really good line of not completely reinventing so that you don’t know what movie you’re watching and yet,” said Day, who has some experience in directing. “When it makes sense for the film to get a little more stylized, he put a little more style in the second one and it fits the story.” said Charlie Day.
Being back the second time around made for a fun vibe on set the three actors said. As expected, the three funny men had plenty of laughs with their fellow actors and director. “There was a lot of goofing around and making each other laugh on camera and off camera” said Bateman.
But of course, being back the second time around built up some expectations. “We certainly felt some pressure amongst ourselves then on behalf of fans of the movie,” said Sudekis “But that pressure gets released the second you start working. The harder you work the luckier you get and we just have a good time.”
“Not a lot of whoopee cushions on that set. I mean we wanna make sure everyone gets home to their kids. But you know, we had fun making it,” said Day.
Long Distance Relations… Did you know that in the first film, the actors weren’t always in touch off set? The first film was a very different experience for the three actors. Very few scenes actually involved the three leading men interacting with each other. This time around, it’s a different story. “Being in every scene together […] I couldn’t have [it] enjoyed more,” said Sudeikis. “In the first movie, we spent the first thirty minutes each in our own little movie with our own horrible boss.” This means the witty banter between the characters, arguably one of the better aspects of the first, is at an all time high it the comedy’s sequel. “In this one, it’s just right off the bat, we’re all three just sitting next to each other on a couch,” said Sudeikis.
The actors were right at home and loved returning to these characters.
The three leading men are some of the best in comedy today. Fans of Always Sunny in Philadelphia will of course recognize the lovable dimwitted, bar cleaning, ghoul hating Charlie Kelly portrayed by Day. Jason Bateman of course came back into the comedy scene after the critically acclaimed and recently revived Arrested Development. And last but not least Jason Sudeikis from his appearances on the the beloved 30 Rock his hilarious stint as an SNL cast member in the early 2000’s. These guys love doing what they do best: making people laugh. “You’re lucky to get to do it [acting],” said Day. “In terms of exploring other things, I think yeah, you always try new things too.”
They were also happy to be on set again. “As actors it was fun for the three of us to get back together again!” Day continued. “We enjoy each other’s company and we had such a great time doing the first one. But as characters, it’s a terrible thing for these people to get back together again because they keep getting themselves into some serious trouble.”
Working with the A list. Just like the first film, Horrible Bosses 2 gave the funny ensemble cast the opportunity to work with some of the greatest names in Hollywood today. Oscar worthy names the likes of Jamie Foxx, Kevin Spacey, Christoph Waltz and Jennifer Aniston. “It’s pretty cool, you know? This is kind of silly, commercial studio comedy,” said Bateman. “When you can class it up with some Oscar winners it becomes a really nice balanced cocktail. And everyone likes a properly mixed cocktail!” The addition of some of the newer actors was a pleasure for them to work with too. “We got to have a fourth musketeer,” Day said. “It was with Chris Pine for a bunch of the movie. He brought a lot to it.”
“He brought the Hotness” Sudeikis joked.
Be sure to check out Horrible Bosses 2, in theaters now.