Fall is here but before you cheer thread lightly | Photo By Reg Wilson, Flickr
By Marisa Morrison
Fall is coming faster than expected this year, with the temperature beginning to feel much cooler than in previous weeks and the environment already seemingly starting to take notice with more powerful weather variants.
Although this year may most likely be spent watching the leaves change colors from a window instead of out with friends and family for most, there are still a lot of fun ways to enjoy the changing of the season at home. Of course, most importantly, in a safe and healthy way. For myself, when I think about the coming of Fall I look forward to harvesting pumpkins or apples at a local orchard, or decorating the interior of my home with festive autumn decorations like wreaths or fake maple leaves. Here are some activities I’ve come up with that you may find to be something to fall for.
One activity I enjoy doing during the Fall is biking or jogging in nature-themed areas. This could include a community park, a bike trail, or even a state park. You may find it enjoyable to breeze past the evergreen pine trees and to take in the autumn scent of different plants as you straddle down the path, or maybe you are one who enjoys taking things slowly, and a nice nature power walk would help you soak in the maple-colored trees and sprouting bushes. Whichever way you prefer, even in these times, a good nature walk can still be enjoyable, especially if you enjoy cooler weather, opposed to hot summer weather. You could even invite close family and friends with you to exercise while jogging or riding, or just to converse. Of course, a small group is preferred, with everyone maintaining their distance or with the proper attire such as masks– and don’t forget to bring a light sweater or scarf as well!
If you’re a bit wary about congregating and want a more intimate, isolated activity to enjoy, why not start up the early holiday chills with a good horror movie, novel or video game? Around this time of the year, I particularly enjoy settling down with a good novel or video game that’s scared me in the past. Experiencing those stories again or new ones for the first time gives me a good wakeup call that keeps me alert, and then gives me a good chuckle at the end because I’m genuinely spooked. And if you feel too frightened to endure such horrors by yourself, you can always watch a reaction of a horror video game on YouTube or on streaming services like Twitch. Still keeping it intimate, you can also call up a close family member or friend to watch a movie together or to play a multiplayer horror game. After all, some of the best kinds of scares are ones that can be experienced together!
Are you not a fan of horror, but still want something to do at home in
terms of an activity? Look no further than arts and crafts! Early handmade jack-o-lanterns, leaf and acorn wreaths, hand-cut spider webs, leaf wind chimes and mobiles, and other Autumn decorations are a good way to dust off your old skills and re-invent a new style. Making homemade decorations can also help you save money or a trip to the store on expensive decorations. Speaking of pumpkins, one might find entertainment in creating edible art! There are many different fall recipes to indulge in, such as the traditional pumpkin and apple pies, pumpkin spice lattes, oven-baked cookies, caramel apples, apple cider, and much more! Dusting off your cooking skills or experimenting with new recipes can also prepare you for Thanksgiving, which is another widely-celebrated Fall holiday.
This fall season brings new hopes for a positive change within these times of setbacks and limitations. Although many sought-after attractions and activities are off-limits for now, the fun of fall can still be enjoyable for all ages through imagination and creativity– even if it has to be mostly spent indoors. We can always remain in a safe and controlled environment while welcoming the new season! What are your new inspirations and expectations for this fall season?